It was a beautiful day in the park, and the sun was shining brightly. The birds were singing, and the trees were swaying in the gentle breeze. I decided to take a stroll and enjoy the scenery.

As I walked, I noticed a group of children playing tag. They were laughing and running around, having a great time. I couldn’t help but smile at the sight. It reminded me of my own childhood, when I used to play tag with my friends.

I continued walking and soon came across a group of people playing frisbee. They were throwing the frisbee back and forth, and it was obvious they were having a lot of fun. I remembered playing frisbee with my family when I was younger, and I couldn’t help but feel a little nostalgic.

Further down the path, I noticed a group of people playing badminton. They were hitting the shuttlecock back and forth, and it was clear they were enjoying themselves. I recalled playing badminton with my siblings when I was a kid, and I smiled at the memory.

I continued my walk and soon came across a group of people playing volleyball. They were jumping and diving, and it was obvious they were having a great time. I remembered playing volleyball with my friends when I was younger, and I couldn’t help but feel a little wistful.

As I continued my stroll, I noticed other people playing various sports and games, such as basketball, soccer, and tennis. It was wonderful to see so many people enjoying themselves and having fun. It reminded me of the many games I used to play when I was younger, and it made me feel happy.

It’s amazing how much joy can be found in playing sports and games. Whether it’s tag, frisbee, badminton, volleyball, basketball, soccer, or tennis, there’s something special about playing with friends and family. It’s a great way to bond and create lasting memories.


Alfonso Chin


Short, Drama


Alfonso Chin


Ed Fong, Laara Ong, Patrick Gallagher




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